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Dash Cam Loop Recording

Dash Cam Loop Recording - featured image

Will my Camera Record all the Time?

As the number of car crashes and vehicle thefts increase, savvy drivers are leveraging dash cams to capture valuable video footage of the road and surroundings. To ensure the dash cam always has the footage you need, most come with a feature called dash cam loop recording.

Dash cam loop recording explains when the camera continuously captures footage on a nonstop loop. This is accomplished by smart file formatting and by overwriting the oldest footage with the newest. This valuable feature can turn a standard SD memory card into an always-ready reservoir of vehicle footage.

While dash cam loop recording is standard on most dash camera devices, each manufacturer’s camera may offer different functions, features, and versions of the continuous recording dash cam. 

Let’s take a closer look at the continuous recording dash cam.

What Is Loop Recording on a Dash Cam?

Loop recording, also known as continuous recording, is a feature found on some dash cams that allows the device to record footage continuously and automatically overwrite the oldest footage with the newest. This feature is useful because it allows the dash cam to record indefinitely without the need for manually deleting old footage to make space for new recordings. 

When the memory card on the dash cam becomes full, the dash cam will automatically delete the oldest footage to make room for the new recordings. This feature is helpful for ensuring that the dash cam is always recording and ready to capture important events, such as accidents or other incidents.

The Loop Recording Dash Cam Uses Shorter Clips

dash cam continuous recording
dash cam continuous recording
– PROOF has got your back –
Save and back up your data(video and pictures.) automatically in case of an accident or vibration.

Dash cam loop recording is made possible by saving footage on the SD card in shorter fragments, such as three or five-minute segments. For instance, if you set your dash cam to record in loops of three minutes, the camera will capture footage in short three-minute clips. Each three-minute clip will be saved individually, such as:

  • No. 0001
  • No. 0002
  • And so on.

Whenever your device has used all of the memory on the SD card, it will overwrite the oldest footage and replace it with a new three-minute clip. This design allows you to have the latest recordings without being concerned about storage capacity.

Do You Need Loop Recording on a Dash Cam?

Loop recording allows the continuous capture of footage — even if your SD memory is full. Because of this, dash cam loop recording is a quintessential feature of the best equipment. 

Here are a few key benefits of a loop recording dash cam:

  1. In the event of an incident or accident, your continuous recording dash cam will capture the footage and preserve evidence.
  2. Loop recording splits potentially hour-long video files into smaller, more manageable parts. These smaller files are easier to transfer and manage. This is beneficial for Wi-Fi-enabled cameras — as the files can be quickly shared to a phone or tablet.
  3. If you are in an accident, it’s much easier to find the exact clip instead of watching hours of footage.

How Long Should the Dash Cam Loop Recording Last Before Erasing the Last Footage?

The amount of time your footage will last before being erased depends on a few factors, including:

  • The size or capacity of your memory card,
  • The resolution of the videos you’re recording,
  • The number of views you’re capturing, and
  • The number of files you have locked or saved on your device.

A few general estimates for SD card capacities are:

  • An 8 GB SD card can capture about 55 minutes before erasing the oldest footage.
  • A 16 GB SD card can capture around 110 minutes before erasing the oldest footage.
  • A 32 GB SD card can capture an estimated 220 minutes before erasing the oldest footage.
  • A 64 GB SD card can capture about 440 minutes of footage before erasing the oldest footage. (Unlike other brands, PROOF dash cams provide 64 GB SD card storage, which is expandable to 2 Terabytes, so you can be sure to capture every minute of your journey)
dash cam loop recording 5 minutes
dash cam loop recording 5 minutes

Will Dash Cam Loop Recording Override My Accident?

While a continuous recording dash cam offers several benefits, one disadvantage is it may overwrite accident footage if it’s not protected. Fortunately, there are a few different steps you can take to prevent your accident footage from being overwritten:

  • Transfer the video file to a separate device,
  • Store the exact footage in a separate folder to prevent it from being erased, or
  • Protect the video file within the camera by designating it.

Automatic Accident Detection or Emergency Mode

Some state-of-the-art continuous recording dash cams, such as PROOF, have accident detection and collision detection features. These cameras are equipped with intelligent algorithms that automatically detect the occurrence of accidents. Then, the camera will instinctively protect and store the accident clip to prevent it from being overwritten.

Do Dash Cameras Record All the Time?

Whether plugged into a 12V source or hardwired into your vehicle’s fused box, most continuous recording dash cams will record footage as long as your vehicle is powered on. These cameras will automatically power up and begin recording as soon as your vehicle’s accessories receive power. At the same time, some cameras will allow you to manually turn it on or off — regardless of whether it has a live power source.

Do Dash Cameras Record All the Time-Even When the Vehicle Is Off?

Continuous recording dash cam can capture footage when the vehicle is off.

 It typically occurs when the camera is hardwired for power or plugged into an always-on accessory port. At the same time, this capability will depend on the features of your continuous recording dashcam.

Setting up PROOFs Dash Cam Loop Recording

what is loop recording on a dash cam
what is loop recording on a dash cam

At PROOF, we offer more than 20 years of expertise in automotive technology. We’ve leveraged this expertise to create an easy-to-use and easy-to-install loop recording dashcam equipped with state-of-the-art features. Installing your camera is pretty straightforward. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Test your camera. You should always plug it in to verify it’s working properly.
  2. Decide where you want to position your camera. Many people choose just underneath their rearview mirror. However, make sure the camera doesn’t obstruct your field of view.
  3. Clean the area. Because you will be using an adhesive, it’s imperative to start with a clean, oil-free, and debris-free window.
  4. Attach the camera. Follow the instructions included to securely attach your dash camera in the desired location.
  5. Securely store wires. Once you have attached the camera, you can securely the power cable away in your roof liner, down the A-pillar, underneath the rubber seal of your door, and underneath your dashboard.
  6. Connect the camera to a power source. Insert the end of the camera into the 12-volt socket or connect it directly to your power source.

Once connected and set up, you’ll be able to enable continuous loop recording in the setting if this isn’t already set up, along with a whole host of other camera and video settings.

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Are Dash Cams Worth It?

are dash cams worth it - featured image

Benefits & Purpose Explained

A dash cam, as the name suggests, is a camera mounted in a vehicle with the purpose of recording all events in its view, from a high-speed crash to a fraudulent pedestrian looking for a fake insurance claim; you’ll be sure to have hard evidence to get the facts straight.

But with all this being said, is it worth the expense, and are there any drawbacks of dash cam ownership? 

Are Dash Cams Worth It? 5 Benefits – Explained

The big plus with good quality dash cams, such as a Proof dash cam, can act as a silent witness of accidents and break-ins. In jurisdictions where dash cams are permitted, a good high-quality video and audio recording of an accident or event can record with great accuracy the full details of whatever took place. Other benefits could include, but not be limited to;


    • First-hand evidence of a collision or road rage incident and assist in proving fault. A dash cam can be a lifesaver in some instances, providing proof positive of who is to blame in a road incident

    • Can help law enforcement in car-crash fraud.

    • Help contest traffic violations such as speeding tickets or wildlife near collisions that can cause car damage when swerving to avoid.

    • A dash cam can protect against false accusations involving a road rage incident, drunk drivers, and insurance fraud.

two cars involved in a crash representing why dash cash are worth it

With today’s high cost of auto insurance, dash cam footage can provide sufficient evidence that proves innocence in the event of a traffic infraction where there are no witnesses. This fact alone can be a money saver and can more than offset the cost of a good, high-quality unit.

Having a dash cam installed in your vehicle is not a substitute for auto insurance on your vehicle; however, it can provide a higher degree of peace of mind in the event there is a disagreement over the cause of an accident, including fraudulent crashes.

Dash cam videos are still a bit of a grey area when it comes to evidence in proving or disproving blame in the event of a traffic accident in a court of law. However, when it comes down to apportioning blame to support an insurance claim, you could be proven the innocent party with video footage from your dash cam.

Insurance companies mostly regard photos of an accident as good evidence, but how useful video footage is can depend on the quality of the footage and the expertise of the insurance adjuster reviewing your claim, whether he or she has background experience in analyzing video footage. Remember, a dash cam is not 100% proof of guilt or innocence. That is up to the analysis of the insurance adjuster.

Some Drawbacks of a Dash Cam

Dash cams can act as a distraction for some drivers, generally younger, less experienced drivers. Usually, this involves fiddling with the camera while driving and not paying 100 percent attention to the road ahead. This is dangerous and can lead to an accident.

The use of a dash cam is still over-regulated in the USA, with a number of states still banning having a dash cam on a windshield mount.

Depending on the jurisdiction, not all dash cam videos may be accepted by a court.

While a dash cam can be used to challenge a traffic infraction, such as a speeding ticket, it can also be used by officialdom as evidence of a traffic violation.

If your dash cam footage does show you were not to blame in an accident, for example, it’s not a guarantee that it would be admitted into court to support your innocence.

Why get a Dash Cam?

A dash cam brand such as Proof Dash Cam provides front and rear view cameras with full HD video footage and real-time alert notification with Impact notification technology

Usually, your dash cam is powered by your vehicle’s ignition system. In this way, it turns on and records everything in its line of sight when the vehicle is started and turns off when the vehicle is shut down. However, a driver can turn the dash cam off when required.

Most dash cams can be wired and programmed to be active 24/7, therefore powered from the fuse panel independent of the ignition system. This is an advantage in the case of a vehicle break-in and enter, vandalism, and hit and run with the dash cam being activated by a motion detector. This type of hook-up to your vehicle’s electrical system can help identify a possible suspect or capture a license plate and vehicle details in a hit-and-run when the vehicle is parked. The addition of continuous dash cam loop recording features ensures that whatever incident occurs, it’ll be captured by the dash cam whenever it happens, regardless of whether the SD card is full.

If you are on a tight budget, the cost of a dash cam may be off-putting if you are in the habit of purchasing top-of-line products. There are cheaper units on the market, but cheaper may mean unreliable, and when you need this vital footage, you don’t want it to be unreliable.

A dash cam is not just a camera that records the road ahead of your vehicle. More sophisticated models, such as the Proof brand dash cam, have additional features such as wide-angle lenses, collision and lane-change advisories, and motion detection systems, as well as a built-in GPS function.

Your dash cam can also be a part of the family entertainment system by recording road trips, unexpected wildlife encounters, and weather phenomena such as hailstorms, lightning, and rainbows.

Just like your cell phone, your dash cam has to be hands-free. Like a mobile phone, it is illegal for a driver to handle, adjust or play around with a dash cam in most jurisdictions.

For this reason, it is a good idea to have your dash cam installed behind the rearview mirror to avoid the temptation of interacting with it. Or, have it installed on the passenger side of your dashboard, out of hand’s reach.

Summarizing Dash Cam Benefits

Insurance companies in countries such as South Korea, Russia, the UK, and some other countries have begun providing discounts on insurance rates for vehicle owners who install a dash cam.

This is not happening yet in North America, but it has been a subject of discussion amongst some insurance companies that provide auto insurance coverage.

As technology in dash cams becomes more sophisticated and jurisdictions loosen up on restrictions and costs come down, coupled with insurance company discounts, dash cams will become more mainstream with the added advantage of perhaps becoming more permissible for use in settling accident claims.

A dash cam can provide police with evidence for tracking down hit-and-run accident perpetrators and positive proof of someone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as;


    • Exposing fraudulent care crash insurance claims

    • Recording the interesting portions of a vacation road trip

    • Car theft deterrent

    • A dash cam recording to contest a speeding ticket or some other traffic violation

Also, dash cams that come with a wide-angle view can provide evidence of video footage of cyclists, pedestrians, and E-scooter or E-bike riders riding in a manner that could endanger others.

Finally, when you break down the pros and cons of purchasing and installing a dash cam, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Want more information about?

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  • how long does dash cam footage last
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